Can be cone drivers, horns, or enclosed assemblies
8 ohms is most common; other impedance may be 4 or 16 ohms
If the speaker impedance is doubled (lowered), the speaker will draw twice the power; the opposite is true when the impedance is divided (raised)
Any mixture needed is ok with the amp
Any low impedance speaker can be transformed into a 70 volt speaker
Volume Control
Pots - rheostats used to adjust levels for just one speaker; low power handling and poor durability;show variable resistance to amp
L-Pads - two pots in one switch that show a constant load to the amp while changing resistance to speaker; same drawbacks as pots
Autoformers - clean, durable way to adjust level; adjust level; changes impedance seen by the amp. Highest power handling
Autoformers, not transformers; one winding with multiple connections to various points in the winding
Available in 10, 35, 100 watt versions
Wattage rating refers tthe total load they can handle
Available in standard or Decora
Colors include white, ivory, almond, & stainless steel
Require large boxes or plaster rings
Able to control any load at or below it's rated value, i.e.., A 100 watt attenuator will work with just a one watt load, or with 100 speakers tapped a one watt
Step Down Transformers
Transforms 70 volt signal down to 8 ohms, or high voltage and low current to low voltage and high high current
Attached tthe speaker in most cases
Usually have one common lead and multiple primary leads on the primary side (input)
Usually two leads on the secondary (output), but may have several, i.e.., 4 ohms, 8 ohms, and 16 ohms
Step-down transformers are what the amp sees, not the speaker
Frequency response varies depending on materials used to build it and size of core and windings
Used to change power and impedance ratios
Can turn 8 ohm a
Amp into 70 volt amp
Can jump 25 volt output to 70 volt output
Can drop 70 volt output to 25 volt
May be used as step-down transformer for high powered speakers
AtlasIED model AF140 can be your secret weapon
Transformer Subsitutions
Use a 25 volt transformer on a 70 volt system and you will deliver 8 times the power to the secondary
Use a 70 volt transformer on a 25 volt system and you will deliver 1/8 the power to the secondary
Substitution is acceptable as long as secondary voltage does not exceed the transformers' rating
A 4 ohm load (speaker) on an 8 ohm secondary tap will draw twice the power
An 8 ohm load on a 4 ohm secondary tap will only draw half the taps power
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