Speech Privacy experts, Charlie Roy and Steve Brooks, discuss the art and science of sound masking and its evolution into a digital solution that is being used to improve workplace acoustics, increase employee producitivity and satisfaction, offset the rising costs of corporate real estate, and protect confidential conversations.
While some people think of sound masking as white or pink noise, it’s actually neither. Sound masking contains no information, it’s just broadband shaped noise. The low-level, electronically generated sound is designed to mask the human voice, making speech unintelligible so confidential conversations aren't overheard and other people’s conversations aren't distracting.
Additionally, changes in corporate real estate have spurred more demand for sound masking solutions. Traditional office space is being replaced, by open, hard-floor environments due to cost and flexibility. Community office spaces such as WeWork, which offers collaborative workspaces that are open and full of reverberant hard surfaces, use sound masking to reduce distractions and allow occupants to enjoy a more peaceful workplace environment.